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Co-operative approach, maximises Launceston potential

The third annual progress report, released in September highlights how bringing together the three levels of governments is delivering outstanding results for Launceston City Deal.

Significant progress is at the forefront of the initiatives and against a backdrop of unprecedented times, Launceston is on track to be recognised as one of the most liveable and innovative regional cities in Australia.

Key outcomes across 2019-2020 include:

  • Construction at the University of Tasmania’s inner city campus at Inveresk commenced. 430 jobs will be created during construction with a further 225 jobs (teaching & support staff) at the campus once complete.
  • 175km of waterways fenced and 698 hectares of native vegetation managed to improve water quality within the Tamar Estuary.
  • $44 million additional investment secured to deliver the urban water infrastructure upgrade to Launceston's combined sewerage and stormwater system.
  • Launceston Apprenticeship Pipeline Project resulted in 18 School based apprentices and 20 job seekers entering into building and construction apprenticeships.
  • $90 million Launceston Creative Precinct announced.

Launceston is quickly growing its reputation as a city offering world-class education facilities in design and technology and a digital hub to attract and retain students with skillsets of the future.

The University of Tasmania’s Inveresk campus is well underway with ground work commencing on buildings and pedestrian and cycle bridges at the early part of 2020.

The Internet of Things School Program progressed lesson plans and teaching resources across 42 public, independent and Catholic schools across the Greater Launceston area and harnessed the importance of delivering technological skills at an early age.

Street Revitalisation works continue bringing a strong vibrancy and sense of uniqueness via the Launceston City Heart Project.

Although COVID19 brings community and economic challenges, the next 12 months will also bring opportunity to the region as it grows through adaptation and stakeholder engagement.

The achievements in the last 12 months continue to underpin the activities and plans outlined in the 10-year plan. The universal approach of all three levels of government will see the development continue to progress rapidly.

Read the detailed 2020 annual progress report.